Hidalgo - Mexican Food 餐厅WordPress主题

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Created: Oct 5, 2016

Updated: Dec 28, 2023

ID: 59006

og体育首页ONE -无限下载 $13.25/mo

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Hidalgo - Mexican Food 餐厅WordPress主题 - Features Image 1Hidalgo - Mexican Food 餐厅WordPress主题 - Features Image 2Hidalgo - Mexican Food 餐厅WordPress主题 - Features Image 3Hidalgo - Mexican Food 餐厅WordPress主题 - Features Image 4Hidalgo - Mexican Food 餐厅WordPress主题 - Features Image 5Hidalgo - Mexican Food 餐厅WordPress主题 - Features Image 6Hidalgo - Mexican Food 餐厅WordPress主题 - Features Image 7Hidalgo - Mexican Food 餐厅WordPress主题 - Features Image 8

Hidalgo - WordPress Theme for Mexican Food

Ordering food is a vital need of a modern city resident. 点餐的原因有很多:我们没有时间做晚饭, unexpected guests came or simply forgot lunch for work. 快节奏的生活决定了它的规则,送餐已经在日常服务中占据了一席之地.

For many, 很明显,一个受欢迎和成功的机构应该有一个网站. You quickly get used to a good and convenient service. I wanted to have a delicious lunch - I found online food delivery. 我决定和朋友们在一个令人愉快的地方放松一下——我去了我想去的餐厅,预定了一张桌子.

If your restaurant does not yet have a site, 你会失去大部分潜在的客人, and if you do not have an account on Facebook or Instagram, then the marketing strategy of the restaurant is completely bad.


这是一个非常简单的,同时也是通用的墨西哥食品WordPress主题. 主题是伟大的创建任何餐厅,酒吧,披萨店或咖啡店的网站.


一个令人开胃的简单设计不会分散人们对主要事物——食物的注意力. 这是最重要的一点,因为用户必须有立即下单的欲望.

不要忘记,场地不仅要美观,还要非常方便. 这对你的客人来说很重要. 那些第一次访问你的网站的人应该很容易找到他们需要的信息, 菜单和预定一张桌子.

What should be taken into account when designing the site?

  1. 设计师-邀请访客到现场收集一盘食材. Works well with salads, burgers and pizza.
  2. Pictures - add bright and beautiful photos of your dishes. Use "chips" to raise your appetite - shine, bright colors. For example, for Asian WOK noodles, a photo in motion is suitable.
  3. Promotions - add a separate section with special offers, which will describe all the conditions for receiving a discount, etc.
  4. 滑块-在主页上,使用带有变化横幅的块来吸引人们对股票的注意. 您可以在滑块上放置有关春季或夏季菜单的信息.
  5. 快速搜索是一个有用的工具,为固定客户来您的网站为特定的东西. 输入主菜名后,可以从请求中看到类似的菜肴.

Your site will be a modern resource with a simple expressive design, with which you will be able to perfectly demonstrate the menu, 显示的价格, calorie content and other details that can be important for people.


  • 微调的可能性;
  • simple control of visually understandable method;
  • 适应SEO;
  • 如果你有一个非常广泛的菜单,可以制作一个多页面的网站.

A restaurant or café site is needed to attract customers. Recently, phones are increasingly used more often than computers. 此外,有了外卖,用智能手机下单更容易、更快捷. Therefore, 这是非常重要的,你的网站将适应正确显示在智能手机屏幕上. 在手机版网站上琢磨出了方便的分类位置, dishes, as well as optimized images so that your site does not load too long.

If the client has already tried to deliver food from your restaurant, 他想享受现场的气氛,并亲自了解你们的机构, 他需要知道该去哪里. 为此,请务必在网站上提供您所在机构的地址和联系电话号码. 在主题中,您将找到一个方便的联系人页面,您可以在其中发布所有必要的信息和旅行地图.

如果你有大师班, 艺术家的聚会或表演, be sure to use the calendar and add event schedules. 因此,客人将能够进入网站上的日历,看到他们感兴趣的事件. 你也可以在那里添加静修活动,例如,你将参加的食品展览.

For the convenience of ordering food, 该网站有一个“篮子”," in which you can add dishes and view the entire order to correct it. For example, to add a quantity or delete parts. 处理在线订单时, you can add the "Delivery" section to the site, where the following will be painted: delivery conditions, 成本和预计时间. 这是必要的,以便客户立即了解条件是否适合他, so you can reduce the call time after you have accepted the order.

What else can I add to the restaurant site?

  • callback
  • 网上付款选择
  • quick order
  • 通过电子邮件或短信发送订单


Mexican restaurant - a responsive WordPress theme for Mexican Food

一个适当制作的墨西哥食品WordPress主题不需要在web编程领域的特殊知识. 初级CEO优化已经建立在这里,这可以让你有效地推广网站. 你得到了一个几乎完成的网站,只需要做一些小小的改变:关于你的餐馆的信息, menu, photos. 这可以让你尽快启动网站并吸引客户. Elegant design, pleasant fonts, 对任何设备的完全适应性-您的客户将能够从任何地方订购他们最喜欢的商品, from a phone, 电脑或平板电脑. Hidalgo offers all the advantages of a good WordPress template.

最重要的是,这里的一切都是为了与游客进行高质量的互动. The site will help you not only make the restaurant more recognizable, but also significantly increase your profit. To improve the efficiency of your site, use all available tools. 您还可以下载额外的插件,使网站更加方便. Evaluate the practicality and convenience of this template. Download the topic now to start creating your site!



  • WordPress 6.4 compatible;
  • 元素页面生成器.18 compatible;
  • 修复了一些小bug.


  • 元素页面生成器.0 compatible;
  • WordPress 5.5 compatible;
  • 樱桃插件删除;
  • 修复了一些小bug.


Excellent, simple to handle and very functional. The responsive mode works perfectly.
酷的选项和易于重新安排,删除或删除某些页面和功能,为一个完整的可定制的网站. (If needed)
正如预期的那样工作. 安装没有问题. 正常运行时间很短.
Great theme. 购买满意吗?. 支持团队也在帮助安装,所以对我购买的整个包非常满意.
Me encanto la plantilla no fue difícil la rapidez con la que la elegí.


I found this template to be far more complicated than it needs to be. 不推荐
谢谢你的反馈. We understand transitioning to a new theme can be challenging, but our theme, designed with Elementor and the Jet Theme Core plugin, 旨在提高你的经验. We provide additional plugins for added functionality at no extra cost. Our support team is here to assist you every step of the way. Please feel free to reach out for further assistance.
How can I enable google maps on this theme?
谢谢你的问题! 我们已经为我们的技术人员创建了一个票证(票证ID WAR-977-93669),他们将尽快与您联系. 安德里亚·冈萨雷斯.

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4.4 /5
支持度评分(547 ratings) 此评级是基于获得该产品作者支持的客户的反馈. 5 424 4 35 3 14 2 6 1 68
响应时间: Normal 该值表示对客户端查询或请求的平均响应时间.
